Monday, 6 June 2011

How to sort listview by clicked column

Found an excellent article on another blog I'll also post the article here in case Fryan's blog is ever down

 1. On your existing project, add a new class with following code:

Public Class clsListviewSorter ' Implements a comparer
    Implements IComparer
    Private m_ColumnNumber As Integer
    Private m_SortOrder As SortOrder
    Public Sub New(ByVal column_number As Integer, ByVal sort_order As SortOrder)
        m_ColumnNumber = column_number
        m_SortOrder = sort_order
    End Sub
    ' Compare the items in the appropriate column
    Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements System.Collections.IComparer.Compare
        Dim item_x As ListViewItem = DirectCast(x, ListViewItem)
        Dim item_y As ListViewItem = DirectCast(y, ListViewItem)
        ' Get the sub-item values.
        Dim string_x As String
        If item_x.SubItems.Count <= m_ColumnNumber Then
            string_x = ""
            string_x = item_x.SubItems(m_ColumnNumber).Text
        End If
        Dim string_y As String
        If item_y.SubItems.Count <= m_ColumnNumber Then
            string_y = ""
            string_y = item_y.SubItems(m_ColumnNumber).Text
        End If
        ' Compare them.
        If m_SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending Then
            If IsNumeric(string_x) And IsNumeric(string_y) Then
                Return Val(string_x).CompareTo(Val(string_y))
            ElseIf IsDate(string_x) And IsDate(string_y) Then
                Return DateTime.Parse(string_x).CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(string_y))
                Return String.Compare(string_x, string_y)
            End If
            If IsNumeric(string_x) And IsNumeric(string_y) Then
                Return Val(string_y).CompareTo(Val(string_x))
            ElseIf IsDate(string_x) And IsDate(string_y) Then
                Return DateTime.Parse(string_y).CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(string_x))
                Return String.Compare(string_y, string_x)
            End If
        End If
    End Function
End Class

2. Declare a private variable on the form where the listview you want to be sorted is located.

 Private m_SortingColumn As ColumnHeader

3. Then on the listview's ColumnClick event, add the following code

 Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ColumnClick
        ' Get the new sorting column.
        Dim new_sorting_column As ColumnHeader = ListView1.Columns(e.Column)
        ' Figure out the new sorting order.
        Dim sort_order As System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder
        If m_SortingColumn Is Nothing Then
            ' New column. Sort ascending.
            sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending
        Else ' See if this is the same column.
            If new_sorting_column.Equals(m_SortingColumn) Then
                ' Same column. Switch the sort order.
                If m_SortingColumn.Text.StartsWith("> ") Then
                    sort_order = SortOrder.Descending
                    sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending
                End If
                ' New column. Sort ascending.
                sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending
            End If
            ' Remove the old sort indicator.
            m_SortingColumn.Text = m_SortingColumn.Text.Substring(2)
        End If
        ' Display the new sort order.
        m_SortingColumn = new_sorting_column
        If sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending Then
            m_SortingColumn.Text = "> " & m_SortingColumn.Text
            m_SortingColumn.Text = "< " & m_SortingColumn.Text
        End If
        ' Create a comparer.
        ListView1.ListViewItemSorter = New clsListviewSorter(e.Column, sort_order)
        ' Sort.
    End Sub

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