Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Word / Office 2013 has stopped working

Annoyingly if you look around the web for Word / Office crashing on start up or "has stopped working" you will find thousands of posts all recommending the same thing; start word in safe mode and then disable COM Addins. 

After trouble shooting the issue for 3 hours and trying a variety of things I finally managed to resolve my problem. It seems my users issue was to do with their USB docking station (and the version of the Display link Adapter software they had installed)

I guess I could try upgrading the version of the software, but the user works in a different country so I don't want start uninstalling anything that may cause me to be disconnected. To get them up and running I was able to disable hardware acceleration for office, to do this

Run Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common
Create a new Key called Graphics
Under the new key create a new DWORD called DisableHardwareAcceleration
Set the DWORD value to 1